

Today we will cover the WH Questions that are used in the English language. I do hope you find this post useful on your English learning journey.


WHAT- usually used when you want to ask for something specific. Or if you want to ask for information about specific things or actions.

Example: What time is it?

What is wrong with you?

What do you want?

What do you want for dinner?


WHEN - Always used when you want to know something related to time, moment, or occasion.

Example: When will you be home?

When can we go on a date?

When are you going to Germany?

When are you taking your vacation days?

WH Questions in english

WHERE - Applied when asking questions as it relates to location, place, or position.

Example: Where are you going?

Where is your sister?

Where in the supermarket did you see the rice?

Where do you live?


WHOM - Utilized when asking about a person. As long as the question can be answered with an objective pronoun (him, her, them) then you can use whom.

Example: Whom would you like to have as your boss?

Whom did you see?

To whom does this schoolbag belong?

Whom did you talk to?


WHO - this is used when asking questions that refer to a person.

Example: Who are you?

Who are you taking to the movies tomorrow?

Who was in line first?

Who is the cashier at number 3?


WHOSE - often utilized when asking about the ownership of something.

Example: Whose party were you at yesterday?

Whose bag is this?

Whose house has the biggest pool?

Whose towels are these?


WHICH - used when asking questions in relation to choices. Or as it related to specific information as it still relates to choices.

Example: Which do you prefer?

Which car are we going in?

Which is better, PS4 or XBOX?

Which supervisor do you like the most?


WHY - Always applied when asking questions that can explain and give reasons for different things and situations.

Example: Why are you always late for work?

Why are you laughing?

Why do you think I should learn to swim?

Why did you trick her?


HOW - asks questions that tell the method in which something was done, in what condition, or to what degree.

Example: How are you?

How many apples are on the tree?

How much time do we have left? (time is uncountable which is why we use much)

How many times must I say the same thing? (In this case, time is countable so we use many)

Practice these questions in the comment section below. I hope that this has given you a bit more clarity on those WH Questions. Also if you struggle with putting your English Goals together then check out this S.M.A.R.T English Goals post. Also, don't forget the Your Jamaican Dose English Podcast.

WH Questions in English

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