


SMART English goals are important, SMART goals in general. So it is the start of a brand new year, what are your plans for the new year....Not just any plans, but your English plan. Maybe it is time that you figure out your next move. What are your English Goals? First thing to note when setting any goal is that they need to be SMART goals. Let's do this exercise as if your goal is to improve your English Reading Skills.

SPECIFIC - a specific goal is very important, if it is too general you will definitely get lost along the way. You want to make sure it is very specific and detailed. In being specific you need to be laser focused on what you wish to accomplish. To figure out this you need to think about what you wish to accomplish as well as what materials and resources you may need to get it done.

I want to improve my English. - Fine that is true but this is not specific enough, it's too general, many people want to improve, so how do you plan to improve your English?

Example: I am going to improve my reading. (This is not specific - TOO BROAD)

My goal is to read an entire book in English. ✅

My goal is to watch a series in English and read along with the subtitles.✅

MEASURABLE - you want to make sure that your goal is measurable. You should be able to track your learning progress so you can tell if your method or strategy is working. It should be quantifiable. You could even create a checklist to see how you are progressing.

Example: I am going to read 3 pages of a book in English daily. ✅

I am going to read one chapter of an English book each week. ✅

ACHIEVABLE/ATTAINABLE - you also want to make sure that the goal is something you can reach, it shouldn't be something impossible. However at the same time it must me something that stretches you and challenges you.

Example: My plan is to read 80 pages of a book in English daily. (80 pages may not be possible so set something more possible especially within the time you have available.)❌

Example: My plan is to read 3-5 pages of a book in English daily.✅

Example: I will read a book that is for my English Level rather than my native language level. (That means you may have to read a kids book, or a beginner level reading book, and guess what that's fine!) ✅

RELEVANT - Set the goal around something that is of interest or useful to you.

Example: I plan to read 3 pages from a travel book in English, daily. (This may be relevant to someone in the Leisure, Travel and Tourism Industry.)✅

Example: I intend to study in Japan so I will read a book for 20 minutes a day about Japanese culture.✅

TIMELY - This is where you need to make sure that you give yourself a timeline.

Example: I plan to read 1 book in English each month.

Instant Grammar Checker - Correct all grammar errors and enhance your writing.

Here are some prompts to help you figure some of this out:

By the end of this month I will...

Within the next two weeks I will...

What is my reason for studying English?

Do I want to watch series or read books in English?

Am I able to travel and learn English?

I want to be able to ...

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