

Sometimes you want to practice your English consistently and even subconsciously, great way to do that is by following ESL Instagram accounts, that way as you regularly use social media, you will now see some English on your feed that you can practice daily.

BBC Learning English

Firstly, BBC English is one of the most popular ESL Instagram accounts for improving your English. What I personally love about this page is how they use real life situations to help their followers understand the English language. They are also very consistent and post a few times a day. They post things in different areas, mostly phrasal verbs, questions for you to answer, they even have a little crime drama series. You definitely want to check them out, no matter what your English needs may be.

Find them at @bbclearningenglish

EWA English

EWA English is another great one. It really breaks down your everyday English. From different types of vocabular, grammar, expressions and much more. This isn't a big deal but I also like the aesthetics of their page as it tends to show specific colors which appear to be the brand color. So also someone like me being big on social media marketing and aesthetics really loved and appreciated this. You should go check them out.

Find them at @ewa.english

English With Nab

In addition to the ones named earlier, I had to add English with Nab as one of the ESL Instagram Accounts you must be following if you want to improve. His page mostly has videos of him telling and explaining things in details, he also adds colored texts to bring across his points as he explained. He is very creative. I can binge watch his content and I am already a native speaker lol.

Find his page at @englishwithnab

Idiom Land

Not only is Idiom Land great for you but what makes it also stand out is that it only focuses on idioms and of course idioms are great, especially when your goal is to sound as close as possible to a native speaker. So if that is your goal you should definitely check out their account.

Find it at @idiom.land

JA English Coach

Last but definitely not least our very own JA English Coach it is new and upcoming but very useful. It gives information on all areas of the English language as it is a new upcoming language school that does business English, Travel English, Everyday English, grammar and a lot more. The fun thing is that their is a community around JAEC and that is what separates it from others as it also mixes in the Jamaican Culture.

Find us at @jaenglishcoach

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