

ESL learners are always looking for English improvement techniques. First let us look at the areas that need to be worked on, then we go into the details of how you can work on these areas. As these are the four main areas to think about if you need English improvement.


The whole art of communicating with someone in such a way that expresses how you feel, can be a bit overwhelming when learning a new language. I know everyone tends to think in their language then translate while speaking. That is a very big problem as it then just causes a lot of confusion in your mind and throws you off track. So here is how you can learn to speak better.


Listening! Did you know that this takes up around 99% of you brainpower. More than anything it means that when you are listening in English you definitely need to focus on what you are listening to. The slightest distraction will throw you off. Even for me as a Native Speaker listening still takes focus sometimes, depending on what I am listening to.


Reading is also a key part of learning English. A big mistake that persons tend to make is reading things that are way outside of their English level. Reading to challenge yourself is good, so you might sometimes go outside of your comfort zone, but doing it that way can also cause lack of motivation. So it really comes down to you as a person and what you know you can handle. Here are some reading tips.


To improve you writing is something very important to learn and understand. For some people writing is easier than the other areas and for some it is the other way around. Well I am going to attach a link here with some ways that you can work on improving your writing skills.


I talk about this all the time, consistency, consistency, consistency. Information and practice is what makes everything work. Information and no practice does not give you the transformation or change that you may need.

English Improvement

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