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Let's talk about phrasal verbs with check today.


This is usually used to express when you have entered somewhere and gotten your key or accommodation depending on what the place is.

Example: I need to check into the hospital by 12:00 to get prepped for my surgery.

I just checked into the hotel, I love my room!

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This is similar to checking into somewhere, this, however, more relates to the process of registering yourself for whatever accommodation or place it may be, usually an airport or hotel.

Example: I have to check in at the front desk of the hotel before I can get a room.

We will get the room keys when we check in.

The man had to check in for his flight 2 hours before departure time.


This is used when you want to find out if someone is doing what they should be doing if they are ok or how the progress of something is going. It can also be used to check if someone is ok as it relates to health and safety.

Example: I need to check on the progress of the contract with T&L Limited.

I had to check in on Tom because I was calling him for days and no response.

I will check on Suzie later on, to see how she has been doing since the attack.


This means taking your time to carefully go through or examine something to make sure it is ok.

Example: I had to check over my daughter's homework before she went to school.

I had to check through the book to make sure there were no mistakes.

He checked through the business plan before accepting my proposal.


This is to have a detailed and thorough examination of something.

Example: I went to the doctor for a check up.

I try to get a yearly check up.


This means to mark off or make a mark next to something.

Example: The teacher checked off the names on the register as she called them.

The teacher checked the names off as she went through them.


To check out in this case means leaving somewhere you had registered to stay. So in a hotel, this is where you would return the room key and pay anything else before leaving. So you usually check out of a hotel or institution.

Example: We have to check out of the hotel by 11 am.

I am in the hotel lobby and I am about to check out.


This phrasal verb means to look at something.

Example: Check out my new handbag.

Check out that Porsche!

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This means to go back or return to something, someone or somewhere to try something again or to get something.

Example: You have to check back next week to see if the letter has arrived.

I will have to check back next month to see if I got the increase in salary.


To ask someone to confirm something or to confer with someone about something.

Example: I have to check with my mom to find out if I can go to the party next week.

I checked with my dad about the party and he said no.


This phrasal verb simply means to go somewhere to see if everything is fine.

Example: I have to check by my house before we go to the party.

I will check by the office tomorrow to see if the proposal is ready.

You can check out this post on 15 Phrasal Verbs for Decision Making.

Also, don't forget the Your Jamaican Dose English Podcast, and come say hi on Instagram.

Phrasal Verbs with Check
Phrasal Verbs with Check

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